Drop in to explore a growth mindset with our undersea friends in this program offered by the Mental Health Capacity Building Wellness Team. Best suited for ages 5-8.
Looking to make new friends for yourself and your kids? Want a safe space to play and socialize? Consider attending our Mommy and Me Meetup and Playgroup.
Get together with fellow seniors every Thursday at the fireplace for a coffee and a visit. Meet new friends and make new connections!
Drop-in for another Camp Little Spot with the Mental Health Capacity Building Wellness Team. This program is recommended for ages 8+. Explore emotions with the Emotion Detective and build confidence and wellbeing!
Come and practice your English conversational skills in a small group setting.
What are the benefits?
Crazy things are happening in Baldur’s Gate. Rumours of a city vanishing, sightings of cultists of the Dead Three, and both the Flaming Fists and the council sitting leaderless.
Do you love RPG's?
Do you have an insatiable thirst for honey or other snacks?
Are you secretly a bear dressed up as a human?
Enjoy an evening of musical instruments, songs, and stories together in this parented drop-in program in the Play Zone.
This program is for babies and up with everybody welcome to join the fun!