Looking to make new friends for yourself and your kids? Want a safe space to play and socialize? Consider attending our Mommy and Me Meetup and Playgroup.
Get together with fellow adults every Thursday in the RCR for a coffee and a visit. Meet new friends and make new connections! In partnership with Alberta Health Services.
Come and practice your English conversational skills in a small group setting.
What are the benefits?
Are you new to Grande Prairie and from Ukraine? Are you wanting to learn English with fellow Ukrainians? This is the group for you! Meeting every Tuesday in the Rotary Training Room at 6:00 pm. This is a drop-in program.
Crazy things are happening in Baldur’s Gate. Rumours of a city vanishing, sightings of cultists of the Dead Three, and both the Flaming Fists and the council sitting leaderless.
** November Revised dates **
Are you a fan of games like Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley? Bring your Nintendo Switch or other handheld device (and a fluffy throw blanket), and drop in to play with other cozy gamers.
Enjoy an evening of musical instruments, songs, and stories together in this parented drop-in program in the Play Zone.
This program is for babies and up with everybody welcome to join the fun!
This group is for those that have the basics of Ukulele playing and are looking for people to connect and play with. You must bring your own Ukulele, music stand and a binder for your music sheets.
Do you love reading? Can't wait to share your opinions on the chosen novel? Why not join the Grande Readers Book Club.