Looking to make new friends for yourself and your kids? Want a safe space to play and socialize? Consider attending our Mommy and Me Meetup and Playgroup.
Get together with fellow adults every Thursday in the RCR for a coffee and a visit. Meet new friends and make new connections! In partnership with Alberta Health Services.
Come and practice your English conversational skills in a small group setting.
What are the benefits?
Crazy things are happening in Baldur’s Gate. Rumours of a city vanishing, sightings of cultists of the Dead Three, and both the Flaming Fists and the council sitting leaderless.
Zumba is a Latin-inspired dance workout that is nothing short of fun and energy! Join Instructor J. Carlos Guevara and fellow Zumba lovers on Thursday evenings for this one-hour session of dance and exercise.
Enjoy an evening of musical instruments, songs, and stories together in this parented drop-in program in the Play Zone.
This program is for babies and up with everybody welcome to join the fun!
Join local book lover Erica Fisher in a monthly discussion on group selected books. Meeting on the second Thursday of each month, you will connect, chat and talk about the monthly choice and share your love of reading.