Looking to make new friends for yourself and your kids? Want a safe space to play and socialize? Consider attending our Mommy and Me Meetup and Playgroup.
Get together with fellow adults every Thursday for a coffee and a visit. Meet new friends and make new connections! In partnership with Alberta Health Services.
Join in for 3 days of quilting and sewing! Bring in your own project and supplies and sew with the company of fellow quilters and sewers.
This group is for parents and caregivers with infants up to 12 months old or pre-walking.
Facilitated by a Public Health Nurse and hosted at the library.
Join us for another Story Time with Safety City. We'll be reading books about safety and then doing a fun activity. We hope to see you there!
This is a drop-in program for children and caregivers.
Zumba is a Latin-inspired dance workout that is nothing short of fun and energy! Join Instructor J. Carlos Guevara and fellow Zumba lovers on Thursday evenings for this one-hour session of dance and exercise.
You are not alone! The Alzheimer Society is here to support you on your journey of dementia, as you support your family, your friend, or someone else you care about.
Enjoy an evening of musical instruments, songs, and stories together in this parented drop-in program in the Play Zone.
This program is for babies and up with everybody welcome to join the fun!
This group is for those that have the basics of Ukulele playing and are looking for people to connect and play with. You must bring your own Ukulele, music stand and a binder for your music sheets.